排序,搜索和计数(Sorting, searching, and counting)


method description
sort(a[, axis, kind, order]) 返回数组的排序副本。
lexsort(keys[, axis]) 使用键的序列执行间接稳定排序。
argsort(a[, axis, kind, order]) 返回将对数组进行排序的索引。
ndarray.sort([axis, kind, order]) 就地排序数组。
msort(a) 返回沿第一个指针排序的数组的副本。
sort_complex(a) 首先使用实部,然后使用虚部对复杂数组进行排序。
partition(a, kth[, axis, kind, order]) 返回数组的分区副本。
argpartition(a, kth[, axis, kind, order]) 使用kind关键字指定的算法,沿给定的指针执行间接分区。


method description
argmax(a[, axis, out]) Returns the indices of the maximum values along an axis.
nanargmax(a[, axis]) Return the indices of the maximum values in the specified axis ignoring NaNs.
argmin(a[, axis, out]) Returns the indices of the minimum values along an axis.
nanargmin(a[, axis]) Return the indices of the minimum values in the specified axis ignoring NaNs.
argwhere(a) Find the indices of array elements that are non-zero, grouped by element.
nonzero(a) Return the indices of the elements that are non-zero.
flatnonzero(a) Return indices that are non-zero in the flattened version of a.
where(condition, [x, y]) Return elements chosen from x or y depending on condition.
searchsorted(a, v[, side, sorter]) Find indices where elements should be inserted to maintain order.
extract(condition, arr) Return the elements of an array that satisfy some condition.


method description
count_nonzero(a[, axis]) Counts the number of non-zero values in the array a.